
My name is Ross McWilliams. I have a bachelors degree in Computer Science and my hobbies include gaming, server setup and maintenance, as well as scripting and application creation. The primary languages I work in are Python and Java but have experience in Ruby, Go, Javascript, Lua and C++. More recently I have taken quite a liking to Go as its quick and efficient and well documented. I have been working on over the past few year trying to host as many web hosted services myself. This includes things like replacing Netflix with Jellyfin, Github with Gitea, and Google Home with Home Assistant. Through this process I have learned quite a bit about networking, system infrastructure, and web development. Gaming wise I am a habitual player of Minecraft and Warframe but will branch off from time to time with Roguelikes, Metroidvania, and spooky games.

In addition to all this I love teaching people about anything to do with technology. It provides me a way to refresh what I know about some technologies while giving me a reason to look into other if I don't know about it yet.